ERASE Training

The 2024-2025 erase training schedule is expected to be available in late August. 




Independent school erase training requirements

In terms of training requirements for schools undergoing inspection in the 2023-24 school year, as indicated in the inspection template, training in two areas continues to be required:

  • a basic threat assessment training course
  • a digital threat assessment training course

The following erase courses can be used to meet these requirements:

  • Foundations of Supporting School Safety (meets Basic Violent Threat Assessment training requirement) 
  • Digital Threat Assessment DTA  (meets Digital Threat Assessment training requirement)
  • Basic Threat and Risk Assessment (meets Basic Violent Threat Assessment training requirment)
  • Behavioural And Digital Threat Assessment (BDTA™) Management (meets Digital Threat Assessment training requirement)

As noted in the Inspection guide and template, basic threat assessment training taken through the Center for Trauma Informed Practice provides another means for schools to meet the basic threat assessment training requirement. Costs incurred for courses taken from the Center for Trauma Informed Practice are the responsibility of the school or individual participating.

erase training is current for 3 years. Trainings taken in 2020/2021 need to be refreshed this school year.

For more information visit the Ministry’s Safe & Caring School Communities webpage.

For erase related questions, contact Janet, at