Ministry of Education Scholarships

For information regarding other Ministry of Education scholarships visit the Provincial Scholarship Program Information website. 

District/Authority Scholarship (DAS) Adjudicated by FISA 

FISA administers the DAS program on behalf of the MECC – with more than $500,000 of scholarships being distributed to independent school graduates last year.

For 2024-2025 the DAS awards have been distributed directly to the independent schools that have chosen to participate. Students should contact their school to receive information regarding their DAS application process.

Community Scholarship Opportunities 

The following scholarships and awards may be of interest to independent school graduates. Inclusion in this list does not imply FISA endorsement. 

Coast Capital Education Awards – (Note: FISA is no longer involved in adjudicating the Coast Capital awards)

Jean Lumb Awards – Twelve scholarships in the amount of $1,000 each are available for students of Chinese heritage enrolled full-time in grades 9-12 in a Canadian school. More information and application form available here