FAQS for Parents

Whom do I contact about admissions?

Contact the independent schools you are considering for admission information. Most independent schools have admission information/application forms which may be downloaded from their website. FISA BC is unable to provide admissions information for individual schools.

Are there waiting lists?

Waiting lists for student admissions vary, depending on the individual school. Contact the independent school you are considering for waiting list information. There is no central office to provide this information.

What is a typical annual tuition fee?

There is no typical fee. Fees at independent schools vary widely depending on the programs offered, grade level, type of student served, and donations to the school. Contact the independent schools you are considering for tuition information.

In the school directory I see letters with each school such as ACSIBC, AMS, CIS, ISABC, or SCSBC. What do they mean?

These letters indicate the Member Association of the school within FISA BC. For example, CIS stands for Catholic Independent Schools. For a description of each group, go to Member Associations in the drop-down list under “Who Are We?”

Are donations to an independent school deductible as a charitable donation?

If the school is owned and operated by a society that is a charitable society and has received a Revenue Canada charitable tax number, the school may issue a receipt for donations which may be used for a charitable tax deduction. Most independent schools are owned and operated by charitable societies.

Are tuition fees deductible as an education deduction or charitable donation?

Tuition fees are regarded as fees for service for Kindergarten through Grade 12 and are not deductible. However, the portion of fees paid for the religious instruction of a school may be receipted by the school as a charitable donation. Please contact the individuals independent school for its policy on this matter.

Does the BC government give grants to independent schools for land and buildings?

No. Independent schools do not receive grants for land, buildings, and equipment. Independent schools raise funds for such purposes from donations, fund-raising efforts, and tuition fees.

Does the BC government give grants to independent schools for operational costs?

The government gives partial grants only, either 50% of the public school per pupil operating cost, 35% of the public school per pupil operating cost, or no grant, depending on certain classification criteria. Independent schools must raise additional operational funds from donations, fund-raising efforts, and tuition fees.

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